Sometimes customers try new and fun things with our mixes different from the directions on the back- Here we can share that with you. Feel free to email us with your favorite use of AH JEEZ packets at [email protected].
Ice cream with Cheesecake packet Take one Cheesecake Mix (suggested flavors only below) and combine 2 cups half & half and one 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk with dry mix and blend in a blender or in a bowl with a whisk. Add another 2 cups half & half and stir together. Freeze in your ice cream freezer according to freezer instructions. You may also put in a plastic container with an airtight seal and freeze in your regular freezer.
Salad Dressing with Cucumber Dip Mix cucumber dip with sour cream and add a bit of milk or cream to your desire thinness and use with your favorite salad combination.